Church Committees and Working Groups
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart. "
Elizabeth Andrew
There are many committees and groups which allow Fairview United Church to run smoothly.
Here are a list of our current committees/groups which help run the Church on a daily basis.
Congregational Board
Outreach Committee
Faith Formation Committee
Finance Committee
Fundraising Committee
House Organization
Horseshoe Falls Regional Representatives
Joint Search Committee
KeepNTouch Committee
Memorial Committee
Ministry & Personnel Committee
Property Committee
Worship Committee
Working Groups
4 Brantford United Church (4BUC)
Chancel Choir
Fairview Block Knitters
Fairview Community Centre Working Group
Fairview Community Centre Working Group Rental Sub-group
Greeting Cards Report
Men’s Friday Coffee Group
Prayer Chain
Prayer Shawl Ministry